Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011


A photocollage of food Rorschach might eat, or did eat over the course of Watchmen.

By Henry

Author Biography

     For this Author Biography post, I decided to talk about John Higgins, the colorist of Watchmen. I feel that he is the "unsung hero" of Watchmen, as although his coloring adds a lot to the story, he isn't even credited on its front cover. John Higgins was born in 1949 Walton, Liverpool. He left school when he was 15 and joined the army. When he left, he spent time at a Wiltshire commune. He then returned to Liverpool, and in 1971 continued studying at Wallasey College of Art. In 1974, Higgins qualified in technical illustration. This let him get a job at the Royal Marsden as a medical illustrator. In 1975, John Higgins' first comic was published in the magazine Brainstorm. He continued to work in comics, coloring Alan Moore's Watchmen and The Killing Joke in the mid-1980s. After this, he began working more with American comics, although today he still writes and illustrates British comics as well, such as Judge Dredd. I hope that after reading this, you know a little more about the man who made Watchmen's artwork pop off the page.

By Henry

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I think this picture represents Watchmen because they are all Vigilantes, taking the city into their own hands. In this picture you can see the man punching the other guy has a sort of mask-bandana thing and I think that connects with all of the characters in Watchmen with their masks, cloaks, and other items.

By Jake


Wordle: Watchmen

By Jake